ENGEO provides a comprehensive range of specialist services relating to the management of hazardous substances. These services are aimed at assisting our clients to:
- Identify their responsibilities under:
- Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017
- Health and Safety at Work (Major Hazard Facilities) Regulations 2016
- Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 (parts relating to hazardous substances only)
- District and Regional Plan Rules
- Identify and document appropriate control measures to meet their responsibilities
- Monitor their control measures and implement improvements where required
Our Services include:
- Identification of design considerations for new-build facilities
- Preparation of documentation to support Resource Consent applications
- Hazardous substances assessments, using the Ministry for the Environment’s Hazardous Facilities Screening Procedure
- Hazardous substances assessments in accordance with Section E31 of the Auckland Unitary Plan Operative in part
- Industrial and trade activity assessments under Section E33 of the Auckland Unitary Plan Operative in part
- Risk assessments
- Assessments of Environmental Effects (AEE) reports
- Preparation of Management Plans including Hazardous Substances Management Plans (HSMPs) and Environmental Management Plans (EMPs)
- Site Audits
- Preparation of documentation to demonstrate regulatory and consent compliance including:
- Hazardous substances inventories
- Emergency Response Plans (ERPs)
- Site plans
- Annual environmental performance reports