Jeff has been practicing geotechnical engineering since 1997, coordinating complex field investigations, providing design recommendations and communicating with various stakeholders for both public and private sector clients. His experience includes waterfront and marine engineering, hydraulic structures, industrial facilities, transportation and infrastructure improvements, and residential and commercial developments. Jeff has significant experience in soil-structure interaction, foundation design, earthwork construction, and structural construction. This experience includes analysis of dam and levee embankments for seepage and stability; design of shallow and deep foundations; pavement design including subgrade improvement; seismic site evaluation including liquefaction; retaining structure design; seismic ground response; and mitigation of geotechnical and geologic constraints.
“I enjoy the challenges: the challenge of helping find practical solutions to complex site constraints; the challenge of helping everyone involved in a project (owner, contractors, and review agencies) all feel successful at the completion of a job; the challenge of learning something new every day; and the challenge of mentoring young professionals into future engineering leaders. We are fortunate that we hire the best people out of the best universities all over the world and I look forward to the great professionals these people will become in the future and the amazing things they will do to make our projects successful.”
Outside of work Jeff enjoys spending time with his kids, who always entertain and amaze him. He also loves the adventure of traveling and is a passionate fan of several Northern California professional sports teams.